von Michael Hieslmair | Aug 4, 2014 | First Research Trip, Team Vienna |
A lovely but almost empty summer camp on the Estonian coast. As we’re told by the lady running the snack stand, people in this realm still seem to stick to the ‚old‘ rhythm of midsummer-holidays which were also common during socialist time....
von Michael Hieslmair | Aug 4, 2014 | First Research Trip, Team Vienna |
Vans like ours, are the main vessels for (semi-) professional vendors and fitters, who offer their skills and sell goods all across Europe. Some offers on the outskirts of Tallinn.
von Michael Hieslmair | Aug 2, 2014 | First Research Trip, Team Vienna |
Tallinn airport, that despite its small size had triggered the development of a high tech business park (Ülemiste business park) by a Finnish company (Technopolis), addressing international expats and therefore even hosting an international school. Tarmo had arranged a meeting with the Real Estate Manager. Very interesting how in such a development ‚public‘ space is conceived…...
von Michael Hieslmair | Aug 2, 2014 | First Research Trip, Team Vienna |
At least one of the motivations of so many Finnish people taking on a ferry ride to Tallinn. Of course businesses along the main paths through the harbor area draw on their...